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Executive Director

Laura Roark

Executive Director

Laura was born and raised in the Mississippi Delta but has a passion for travel and adventure that took her around the world and eventually landed her in  Alaska. She holds a Montessori Early Childhood credential, a Bachelor of Science from Northern Arizona University, and a Masters in Montessori Education from Xavier University.

Laura has experience in the classroom, as a school director, teacher trainer and training center director and has spoken at various international Montessori conferences. She is passionate about Montessori education and helping families communicate effectively with children.

In her free time, Laura enjoys hiking, reading, and spending time her daughter and her pets.  In her travels she has worked with organizations that help bring preschool education to children in rural regions of Yunnan, China and Tibet and has co-written two children’s books, as well as worked with various animal rescue and conservation organizations. She is passionate about making a better, more peaceful world through Montessori education.


Office Staff

Maleia Schaezlein

Office Manager/Accounting/Compliance Support

Kolotita Saunoa

Administrative Support




Birch Community

Birch Classroom is a half day toddler program.

Liz Hamlin

Toddler Lead

Toddler Program Director


Tabitha Ronzone

Toddler Assistant


Willow Community

Willow Community is a full day toddler program.

Kathleen Liwanag

Toddler Lead 


Natasha Reeve

Toddler Assistant

Wild Iris Community

Wild Iris Community is a full day toddler Program.

Chrishelle Hamlin

Toddler Lead


Prickly Rose Community

Prickly Rose Community is a half day primary classroom.

Erin Ballantyne

Primary Lead Teacher/Primary Program Director


Jessica Stroman

Primary Assistant 

Fireweed Community

Fireweed Community is a full day primary program.

Madison Masuhara

Primary Lead Teacher


Abigail Laufer

Primary Assistant

Lupine Community

Lupine Community is a full day primary program.


Darien Elam

Primary Lead Teacher


Aubrie Cypert

Primary Assistant

Elderberry Community

Elderberry Community offers both half day and full day primary program options. 

Lindy Risinger  

Primary Lead Teacher


Lisabeth Croft

Primary Assistant

Silverberry Community

Silverberry Community is a full day elementary program for grades 1-3. 

Greta Seitz

Elementary I Lead/Elementary Program Director


Melissa Thompson

Elementary I Assistant

Salmonberry Community

Salmonberry Community is a full day program for grades 4-6.

Hunter Simmons

Elementary II Lead Teacher



Ling Zhou

Elementary II Assistant

Amazing Support Staff

Cecelia Pullen
Music Specialist

Glory Banks

Mandarin Chinese Program Director

Kyle Masuhara

Physical Education Teacher/Maintenance Technician 

Kelly Hamlin

Auxiliary Services & Substitute Coordinator

Amanda Bradley

Auxiliary Assistant

Pilita Fernandez

Auxiliary Assistant

Aniceta Sanchez

Auxiliary Assistant




Annual Fundraisi